Nutrition is not a short-term thing

it’s a lifestyle


Get Started With your Personal Meal Prep Service

  • In order to provide the most personalised service possible, we need to get know you, your dietary needs, goals and lifestyle. We offer two different assessments:

    One is an in-person, in-depth 1:1 assessment (necessary if you have any kind of dietary restrictions, specific weight goals). The other option is a short paper-based form which you can fill out and send back to us.

  • In-depth Assessment

    Reach out to us to schedule your first meeting for a Nutritional Assessment - essential for tailoring your unique Nutricious plan. Our dietician will go over your dietary history, nutritional needs, lifestyle and personal goals with you to craft a perfectly suited plan. Various assessment options ensure a completely personalised approach. Learn more here.

  • 2. Individual Nutrition Plan

    Your chosen assessment leads to your unique nutrition proposal, considering meal frequency and portion size to fit your lifestyle and objectives. Our plans are flexible, focusing on what you prefer and require. They're designed around our meal prep services, adjusted for your individual needs.

  • 3. Meals Planned, Prepped and Delivered

    Enjoy freshly prepared meals using the freshest ingredients, locally sourced and seasonal wherever possible. They will be delivered directly to you within the areas of Zug, Baar, Steinhausen and Cham (or other locations in Canton Zug or neighbouring Cantons by agreement) twice a week.

    We also collect used containers for reuse, aligning with our environmental commitment.

    Our service offers flexible, Monday-Friday meal packages tailored to support your nutritional requirements.

    Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Meal prep examples

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